Postnatal Pilates

This postnatal 6-week block provides a gentle reintroduction to movement postnatally and is the perfect way to begin rehabilitating after pregnancy and birth. The classes provide a relaxed and comfortable environment for you and your baby to commence low impact exercise with other mums alike. This 6 week block provides the perfect platform for you to re-build your foundation strength prior to commencing mums and bubs classes. 


These classes are run by a qualified Womens Health Physiotherapist and pilates instructor. 
Maximum of 6 mums per class.


Balanced Movement Renmark
10:15amTuesday mornings

Next block to commence:

28th January 2025 (fully booked)

11th March 2025 (4 spots available)


(6 x 45minute Pilates sessions)

Payment is required for the 6-week block up front. We can provide an invoice for Private Health claiming under code 596.


A qualified babysitter is available at the studio to enable you to be able to have your little ones close by but also be able to exercise without interruption. 

Please bring along anything your baby may need i.e., dummy, toys, playmat, bottle.

When can I begin? 

  • These classes are suitable for anyone who has had a baby from 6 weeks postnatal.

  • Prior to attending it is recommended that you have had your 6 week check up with your OB/midwife.  

  • We also require you to have had your 6-week check with one of our Physiotherapists. You can either choose:

  • A 30min short post-natal appointment, which will cover general abdominal wall check and strength/functional assessment OR book for a full 60minute postpartum assessment which also includes pelvic floor assessment, bladder/bowel screen, return to exercise etc (recommended)

  • Both of these assessments will provide the Physiotherapist with a thorough understanding of your pregnancy, birth, and recovery. Enabling us to tailor exercises to suit you.

  • A Physiotherapy assessment prior to commencement is also required by your health fund if you are planning to claim the classes for a rebate from your health fund.