Women’s & Pelvic Health Physio Riverland is an exclusive stockist of SRC compression garments in the region.
The range includes:
Pregnancy over the bump shorts/leggings
Recovery shorts & leggings
Restore shorts & leggings
(specific for mild stress incontinence & prolapse)

During pregnancy
The best time to get measured for your recovery shorts is around 36 weeks.
To ensure the best fit is advised to be measured by a trained health care professional.
You can start wearing them whenever you feel you need that extra bit of support during your pregnancy right up until baby arrives!
The recovery shorts provide abdominal and pelvic floor support after baby is born.
You can start wearing these 1-2 days post-delivery, or whenever you feel most comfortable.
It is recommended to wear these for a minimum of 6 weeks postnatal, however they can be worn long after baby is born as they are so comfortable!
What conditions can the SRC garments help with?
Pelvic girdle pain
Low back pain
Abdominal separation
Round ligament pain (abdominal pain)
Pelvic floor symptoms associated with mild stress incontinence & prolapse
Perineal swelling (following perineal trauma)
C-section scar healing
SRC products are endorsed by the Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA).
Health care rebates may be available.